October 30, 2007


Hello Friends,
Just wanted to give an update on the boys trip. Have you ever been camping? Been camping for 14 days, Slept on the same pillow, sleep next to your brother, take and put up/put down your tent twice, keep sand out of the tent, cook your own food and make a few trips to a makeshift outhouse? Ever done that? That was the down side of this trip. The upside was building a church for a remote Indian tribe so they can come together and hear the gospel. They were the hands and feet of Christ. It is a church to a remote group of Indians, built by men and women who are willing to put some time aside, pay some money, get on a plane and fly to a foreign land. They see it as an adventure and know there are rewards waiting for them.... Mostly they are being obedient to the will of God. Go and preach the gospel to all the world. What a commandment to Go~~
I always love to see the pictures they bring home. I know the view was much better but am content to see the 'click of the camera'. The moment in time, the stories and even looking in their passport and see the rubber stamp and know my boys were flown in time to 'GO'...

I've included some pictures of their trip. If you know me and can see them, please do.

Paul never advertises widely when he is going on trips. I can tell you if you ever give any monetary funds to him, the gospel will go forth more abundantly. He is faithful and will give account of how it is spent.

Once you go on a trip, you always want to go one more time~

Hope you enjoy the 'click of the camera'~


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

from mom and meme

Liz I always like to see pictures of
Jed's and Paul's trips also
they are both such devoted christians and are a blessing to our family.
not to mention good looking men
thanks for sharing the pictures and
also your story.

love mom and meme