Wanted to share a funny about Joshua. Actually most things he does is funny. He wakes up talking and talks the whole entire day. Remember those days? Not until 8 ish at night when I put him in bed does the chaddermouse stop. He has much to say.
Anyhow... We have tried a new technique in the toilet training area.... he has his little potty in the bathroom and uses it regularly on his own. A few times he has braved the sitting on the BIG POTTY... I guess he thinks its cool. I've warned him to put the seat down.. theres more of a cushion... we'll.... today he didn't do that and down he went~ his whole body was in the toilet..... One of his brothers passed by the bathroom and signaled the alarm... MOM YOU BETTER COME FAST..... I already knew why... I should of grabbed the camera on the way.... but I was the only one who was willing to pull him out...
Josh was sitting patiently and smiling. His back side was totally wet though... He decided to go back to his little potty. So he is now sitting there on his potty naked as a jail bird with these cute little tatoo's (again compliments of a brother) on his chest just talking away. He finds the choice of bathroom reading very interesting. Thats funny~
Little three year olds are funny~ They are just taking off in speech, have a mind of their own and every day is an adventure. Just this morning, he passed by Micah and said, HI MICAH.... I'm amazed that the brain teaches us to process words and comes out our mouth. I think that would be we are wonderfully and fearfully made by our creator~
I'm sure I will have more 'tidbits' of a three year old. His energy does out weigh ours some days.
You just never know what a day is going to bring, and while you can't sit
around fretting about what-ifs, it would be nice if you could be prepared
in some...
9 years ago
LOL thats funny! it can be scary for little ones :) yes i'm having fun! relaxing alot and sleeping :) its nice. back to work on tuesday so my vacation will last a little longer after tomorrow. :) how do you feel about becoming a great aunt soon? let me know :)
from mom and meme
thats one funny story about Josh
its a wonder he didn't get hurt
and whats with you becoming a great
aunt soon????
love mom and meme
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