June 13, 2009


Hello Friends,
I always have something to blog because of my children.  My son Jed called yesterday and said he has a Army buddy coming thru Memphis and was stopping by.   This is always a stretch for me to stop what I am doing and accommodate the need.  Joey arrived around 4:30 pm  and just in time for a huge storm we had in Memphis.  The tornado kind.... when it passed we were treated to a dinner at the Bistro.  Paul made a shrimp pasta dinner for Joey.  Rebekah joined us because  the electricity was off in Millington.  Limbs everywhere and lights out everywhere.   She was not a happy camper when she joined us.   Josh had a grand time playing with Joey.  Of course Joey has heard all about our family and Josh.   We gave Joey enough ammunition to black mail Jed when he gets back..... oh the joy of photos!!   Josh loved his time playing and for a kid who stays home with his mom pretty much all the time, he has pretty good socialization skills.... sorry, for the 5th child and our lifestyle of home education, I just had to throw that in!
So.. here is a picture of Joey and Josh before both of them conked out for the night.  One  good thing of this trip, we will get to see how long of a drive it is from here to Ft. Drum~

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Very good story and pic
sorry about the storm, but glad
everything is ok with you and family