December 12, 2008


Hello and Friends,
I have always talked about my older kids and their doings... today, Josh made the Commercial Appeal.  That  is the Memphis main paper.  A gal at church works for the paper and asked me to pick some kids for their paper on 'what the kids want for Christmas."  Well, Josh was picked for the preschool department. 
When asked what he wanted, he said, DINOSAURS...... I know what he wants now!!! Really bigggg dinosaurs....... It has to fit my budget son!!
So, here is his picture and if you get a chance, it was in the Friday section of the Millington/ Tipton appeal.
a proud mom

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Gosh Liz, I hope you bought the
paper to keep for Josh, imagine his
own picture in the paper
very good picture by the way
love mom and meme