June 30, 2008



Yes, I have gotten to Romania!! I'm so excited. Our plane trip over was good and memorable. We left the USA at 8pm and arrived in Amsterdam at 11:30 am, Sunday. We took a picture of the clock. Because of the plane at to taxi into a different gate, it put us at our correct gate. We had a 1 hour layover then back on the plane for Bucherest. This was a much shorter flight. The Dutch people are very nice. The plane crew were smartly dressed. We teased the food was not as good, but they looked good. They were much friendlier. We had tall dark and handsome greet us at the door. Hahahah

Our two hour flight took us to Bucherest and we were greeted by Becky and the children here at Casa. They were so excited to see us. I had felt like I all ready knew them from pictures. Now meeting them in flesh and blood. When you finally walked out to the holding area, it looked like the masses awaiting for their favorite movie star. They all had someone they were waiting for. The airport was very different than Amsterdam or even ours. Very rural setting, not big.
A security guard came up to us, and asked us what we were doing. After the coversation he asked for a bible. We had our Romanian bibles. Now we are one short! Praise the Lord!!

We did get a lot of looks and questions by our t-shirt jersey's we where. We looked like a soccer team in the airports! They do draw attention!

We arrived to the home and greeted all the children. Most of them knew me.. my name... ohhhhhhhhhh you are the mother of Paul~~~ theres becky, and the little one~
They do love Paul.

Our sleep as slowly adjusted. I just couldn't sleep on the plane. Had one hour. I did try to rest my eyes. We ate dinner last night, had a tour of the place and found our room, shower and I hit the bed and I was out of it~ passed out cold~
I did awake at 5:30am. I wanted to see my first morning here, with peace~
It was beautiful~~ I will remember that for a long time!!

We have gotten up today, unpacked our totes... gotten eveything out and going.
Some of the children have arrived that we will minister to. For some reason right now, it is very quiet. They must of rounded them up for a video.

We have had breakfast and lunch as I type!! Romanians dont' eat heavy! We have had light but deleious meals. We will have a service tonight~

Remind me to tell you about the toliets and how to flush them. I'm a dummy!

Love to all~
a very happy Lizard!!!
the pictures of us were taken today at lunch~!
We are snapping pictures all the time!
sorry for the mistypes.. have limited time~


Karen said...

How cool! My kids just got home from Romania late Saturday night - you almost passed them in the air! They had an awesome time too - someday we'll compare notes. Have a great week!

Anonymous said...

very good pic and hope you all
enjoy your selfs and will come
home happy and content
will pray for little Joshua, as I
know he will miss his mommy

love mom and meme

Anonymous said...

Hey, glad you had a good flight. It was good to see pictures. Just enjoy every minute you have. What a blessing you'll be to them and the blessings you'll receive. Love ya, ur sis

J-Mom said...

That's so awesome.
Being able to pass on a Bible before you left the airport. Very amazing! I hope your whole trip is just as amazing!

Enjoy it all!

Anonymous said...

yea the people were dressed very smartly! they spent more money on their clothes than on the plane food!!

your daughter

Anonymous said...

Enjoyed the pictures and your account of your trip so far. We are keeping you all in our prayers as you minister in Romania. You are doing a great work! Can't wait to hear more.


Always Been Different said...

So glad to hear your trip went well and you are already enjoying yourself...by the way LOVE the T-Shirts !!!
Oh PLEASE do tell about the toilets! I sure it will be a GREAT Lizard story!

Enjoy fulfilling your LONG awaited dream :-)
