July 01, 2008


hey Friends,
I'm back to my (sons ) computor~~
I had some good sleep last night~Got up early with the missionary to pick up our last team member that has been home schooling the missionary kids in Moldova.  She will be flying back with us! She was very happy to see me! I have been corresponding with me since last Aug.  When I can, I will tell you a very funny story of how we got our last bag that didn't come in. 
The traffic here is very bad in the morning.. we had to leave at 6:30 am.  Some of you were probably still up and typing or just going to bed. 
A few things here:
the toliets are different.. slimmer and taller... the handle is on top, weird, but efficient
the light switches are different
the locks on the doors are like skeletons keys.. no push buttons
the food is different.  You can't be a picky eater here.. they serve you in courses...
We did have fanta lemonade.. so good
they eat lots of bread here.. every meal.
They don't have ice....
lots of cold water.. in 2 LITER BOTTLES
We started our day today, Tues. Was fun.  We had to learn to adjust and slow down.. they are very Eager.
Last night, the team of people from Virginia.. did the service.. they brought  shake up flash lights for the kids... 40 of them.  Just think if you were one of the people who bought one for that team.  I can tell you that was a high light for them. They turned off the lights  and sand This little light of mine! what a joy!!
Today, we are going to show Finding Nemo in Romanian.. a DVD.... should be interesting... maybe the subtitles are in English?? hahahh
It is hot here.. no air but the windows do a lot of goood.  Our house is very modern and comfortable.
Last night there were about 61 people there.  We ran out of water.  There pressure was down for a while~
Life as a missionary! the stories they can tell!!
I can see why Paul loves this place... Casa Shalom.. House of Peace.  The kids are very good and very respectful.  They know English very well. Having fun trying to understand each other!!
Okay! enjoy the pictures!!!
More later!
Sorry for any claring typos!dont' have time to check!! Someone alwyas needs the computor! and little battery life!

I can be happy today!!


Anonymous said...

I check this site every morning
so keep up the good work
very proud of you becky and PJ

love mom and meme

Anonymous said...

Glad your having a good time. Miss not talking to you. Really enjoy the pictures and comments. We'll keep on praying for you all.

Love, PKW