June 14, 2008


Hello Friends,

I have blogged about almost everyone in my family, except my brother. Did you know I had one?

Yes, he is 6 years older than me. That's about a whole school older than me. When I was starting K he was in Middle school, when I started Jr. High he was graduating. It was at that time, he joined the Navy.

I can remember bits and pieces of this time. I was more into sports and high school then. He did a tour of duty overseas and did his 4 years then came home. I thought I would show the 'military' men of my family.

My mom actually pointed it out with her 'wall of pictures' she has. If you think I LOVE pictures, I got that from my mom. Here is a picture of Ken when he was younger and Jed for their MUG shots for UNCLE SAM.
Also, my grandfather was in WW2. He is my fathers father. We now have 3 generations of someone being in the Military. My grandfather which I was very little when he passed away is the name we picked out for Micah's middle name, (Stewart) Duckworth. He is a handsome man poising in this picture.


Military life can be good!



J-Mom said...

Cool pictures!

Anonymous said...

from mom and meme

ok liz as danette pointed out you
will have to put stewert in there
love to see what you do with your
blog when you get back from
enjoying your viist here to mo
right now

love mom and meme