January 11, 2009


Hello Friends and Family
Wanted to tell you about a special lunch I had on New Years Eve.  One of my desires during the Christmas season was to 'invite' someone to treat them to a lunch.  It was about making them feel special.  When in the power of your hand to do good... then do good!
When I was newly married, I was befriended by several people, but Miss Melba Morris stands out.  I was a young lady, no children and always admired older ladies. They had words of wisdom.   Miss Melba was one of those 'older Titus 2 women'.  She was at the time a Pastor's wife, a military wife and had raised her children.  We had many chats and she encouraged me much.  Time passed and I had my children.  The same month my oldest was born, her husband, Ed passed away.  That will be 23 years ago in April.   I had more children and we came to a time where Child Evangelism was a part of our lives. Guess who the teacher was? Miss Melba Morris. Our lives reconnected and she is still a part of our lives We had many many great times listening to her soaking in God's truth in a way only children can get it.  One of the songs she taught the kids, the moms too, was MY GOD IS SO GREAT. I had the privilege this summer on my mission trip to sing that in Romanian.  Actually I was listening, but my heart was trying to sing in Romanian.  Some songs can cross all language barriers and still find the heart of a child. 
Miss Melba and I had a great lunch at a great restaurant, Neighborhood Bistro (is their another?) We actually sat and spoke with each other for 3 hours.  She wanted to catch up with the Galina's and I wanted to hear what the Lord was doing with her.  She is still teaching little kids  at the great age of close to 8 decades.  What jewels she has awaiting for her in heaven. 
When we realized we had spent so much time and looked at our watches, time was up.   I wore my 'Gallina' shirt so she could see all my kids (she has loved on each one).   It was a great time of sharing and allowing her to encourage me yet 'again' to be a Godly mother.  I want to be like her when I grow up!!!
We are not privileged  to know the days on this earth.  Miss Melba has lived a long and prosperous life.
She has touched hundreds of children and taught them about Jesus. She is a testimony of God's faithfulness and love.  That is what I want people to say about me.
We were about the only ones left in the restaurant and got the owner to take this photo.  It is near and dear to my heart

1 comment:

J-Mom said...

I loved the picture! I really loved the story! How awesome