Hello Family and Friends,
I love the opportunities we have when we receive them. Thru our relationships with other families.... that's the short skinny story. Jed was asked to come and speak at a local Christian School here in Millington @ Faith Heritage School. He spoke to the 7- 12th graders. He was a little nervous. You tend to be when it's your first official audience talking about what you do in the war. He had his notes in front of him and made great points. He stressed many times that God is the one who watches over him and this WAR is worth fighting for. He would like his little brother to continue to speak English as a first language for the rest of his life. He was dead serious when he said that. He had a time of questions and answers. The kids came up with some good questions. These kids, this generation, 'hear' of the war, are they really in touch with whats going on? do they have loved ones going over seas and fighting for their freedoms? some do...... alot don't. They saw up close and personal of a 'real solider'. As Pastor Moe put it, a real HERO!
He was asked, has he shot his gun? killed anyone? what's in his assault pack? do you think Obama will pull us out of this war? what's the difference between the Air-Force and the Army? ...... and so on....
It was a productive day.... The pastor of the school asked the students to pray for Jed and young men like Jed. The prayer time was quiet, sweet, alive with future souls wondering what to with their lives, time for the students to contemplate their freedoms and to keep their patriotism alive. Many of the kids came up to him and spoke with him. When he returns, he is asked to come back and give a report. To God be the Glory!!!!
A proud Mom!!!
ps. This is the kid who killed a hundred rats, skinned a few deer, gave me trouble in school, was so expressive as a kid, built a casket for a dead mouse out of a toilet paper tube... Don't you like when they grow up?
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