September 05, 2008


Hello Friends,

We were again blessed by having Jed call us this morning. Twice in one week. His Friday has ended and ours was beginning. That time warp gets me every time~ He got to speak more to his daddy. Important at different times for the various family members to get to speak in length to him. We talked about the speeches last night. They are able to watch TV there. They do get news.

Personally, I was impressed with McCain's speech and his wife Cindy. I realized last night if they are elected, our nations Capitol will be inundated with children. Probably not seen since Roosevelt. Between the both, they have 12 children. That's a lot of secret service protection. It would be refreshing to see a younger generation take the reins. I'm sure the children all have mixed emotions and what that would mean for them. The McCain's have two sons who are serving in the military. a NAVY and MARINE son. WOW... I can't even imagine how they do that with the rivalry and good nature joking. They will both been deployed to IRAQ. Her heart must be full.

Here are some pictures I finally got straight of just Jed and his gun. They take it EVERYWHERE. Church, bathrooms, chow hall. His accommodations is a short trailer. There are no bathrooms in the trailer but a common bathroom. I told Jed to send me a cleaned up picture of the living space so we can see where he 'lives'.



Anonymous said...

very good pictures, does he read
in that chair he is sitting in?
I try to save most pictures you
posted, thanks for sharing
hope the family will send him a
birthday card, this month
love mom

Anonymous said...

So I most say you have one good looking boy!!

Love ya

Always Been Different said...

Liz Honey,
Remember those are Army "weapons" not "guns" :-)

Love ya