August 02, 2008

The real ER

Hello Friends,
Nothing is to small to blog around here.  Someone asked me just this week, while looking at unusual photos in my album, DO YOU KEEP YOUR CAMERA IN YOUR PURSE? To that I said with a resounding YES, I DO.  I can whip it out any time I need to take those great pictures.  So... here is one of those odd moments I would.  Not really odd, but different!
A lizard story of course!
I was away at camp this week with my boys.  By the way, IT WAS AWESOME.   If boys don't have fun, it's because they must be boring.  There are tons of activities for them to do.  My great friends and my awesome daughter took care of Josh.  While at a friends house, he did the number of getting sick.  Josh NEVER gets sick.  He was sick when he was 8 months old.  He is generally a healthy child.  I'm very thankful for my kids health.  Needless to say, he was throwing up all day. He really never stopped till we got home.  When it was all said and done, we had to take him to the ER.   He was pitiful looking.  He didn't have a fever, nothing really wrong except, throwing up! I left camp and made it home just as they got a ER room.  I'm sure 3 hours spent in the waiting room is mind-wracking enough with the sunderly of folks piling in on a Friday night..  I do thank Becky, Teresa and Kim for taking great care of my son.  He was dismissed about 10ish pm and we made it home to put a sleeping child in bed.   I was ready to crawl into a bed that won't hit you from above and the mattress had more give, know what I mean? You know those camp mattress/bunk-beds are made for kids under 70 pounds!!!
He woke today with a little fever, nothing Motrin couldn't cure,  back to sleep and he was good as new.
He begged us for McDonald land food. Where he got that I don't know. To cute when you are puking your guts and asking for food.   We obliged this afternoon, he has kept everything down today he has eaten.  When folks who had heard asked how he was doing, I would say, YOU MEAN THE KID ON THE FLOOR PLAYING WITH HIS CARS MAKING LOTS OF NOISE.  He's doing GREAT!!
I'm sure he had the touch of the BUG and his little tummy just reacted!!! Could his tummy react to a few hundred dollars too!!! :) We might need that!!
So... AFTER I checked on him, I backed up and took the pictures!!!  I have my priorities straight you know!!  I had to document the moment!! GOD IS GOOD@!@
I'm thankful for wonderful friends and a wonderful sissy who loves Josh!!!

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