August 10, 2008


Hello Friends,

I've been trying to wind up all that I have wrote about Romania. When it is your very first mission trip, I will treasure all I have learned and experienced.

I jotted these thoughts down about Mission trips: My DO'S and DON'TS...

1. Do all things with cheerfulness
2. Compliment people
3. Encourage folks
4. Be a doer of the word
5. Be willing to get the job done, all the way
6. Organize your own possessions

1. Don't complain
2. Don't complain of the food
3. Don't be selfish
4. Don't demand
5. Don't be lazy
6. Don't do your own thing

Here are some pictures I will leave you with~~~

My son will be going back in November, I can't wait~~


Ps. I'm in the very back

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Liz, very good article
bless Paul for helping these
children out.
but where is the picture of little
josh in that white shirt?
boy he sure looks like Jed
love Mom