Hello Friends,
I'm really trying to find ways to end this portion of my blogging for my trip, but there was so many great stories and events we did it is hard. I want to tell you today about our version of a water park. My son brought in his luggage, a 15# box of plastic sheeting, white. By the way, you can bring just about everything in your checked luggage. He wanted the kids to experience a slip and slide along with water balloons. So... 15 pounds of his 50 pound weight in his check baggage was taken up with his box. On Friday, our last day, we had a slip and slide. They found a great place to roll it out... it's long.... everyone donned their bathing suits and I think the kids just played in their clothes. The night before, the team had stayed up till the wee morning doing water balloons in their bathrooms for the next day. I had the sense to go to bed and not see the wee wee early morning hours. A girl has to have her beauty sleep. Our days are getting longer and longer at this point. I had my bathing suit on but and I know it's a loud BUT, but, I have a knee that gives me trouble and I am very picky of which activity could pop it out. Just saying this makes me rub my knee. I say how the kids were picking team member up and dragging them.... They are in their 20's........ the forties are less thrilling... besides.... someone needs to help guard the water balloons and keep the kids out of the holding station where they were. AND take pictures.
They had a blast. It was fun to watch people get drug up and down the plastic, pounced with the water hose. Then the water balloons came out. It took less than 5 minutes for them to explode on someones head. I'm really glad I got sleep. I can be terrible in sleep deprivation. In the mean time of guarding the water balloons with another smart team member. I decided to mop up the water. The jagged handle was not good. I scraped my finger across that and it was all she wrote. Blood everywhere.... Shuana hands me the only towel she found, and did it stink. It smelled like vinegar. Stung too~ (THATS A WHOLE DIFFERENT STORY WITH DANIEL THE NIGHT BEFORE, A HEAT SICK KID). We still laugh about that moment. It's been two whole weeks, and my finger is still sensitive. I wish I had the presence of mind to tell someone to take a picture. :):) It was not a pretty picture.
So, here are some pictures of our water slip and slide. I wonder how many times in their life they would of done this? Just trying to bring a little sunshine in their lives...
liz, I enjoyed looking at all those
pictures, seems like you all had a
very good time in Romania
love mom
That looks like fun. That looks worthy of reenacting state side with some homeschool kids!! Thanks for sharing some of your awesome experiences there!
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