July 06, 2008


Well Friends,

It is time to leave Romania. None of us want to. We have had a blast. Today we went to down town Bucherest. We went to a mall, a outdoor park, a boat ride, tried to see the Palace. The mall was great. Very much like Wolfchase. A few tips when you visit the international McDonalds.
You have to ask for ice, pay extra for ketchup, and they really try hard to get you to upgrade your drinks.

We went to a supermarket in the mall. Really cool. Very different there... evevything is in small packages. NO 1 gallons milks, small containers, and you might have to buy your bag. We got in trouble yesterday for taking pictures in this store. Security everywhere.

The kids here at the house are very loving. The older girls on our team have loved on them. They really enjoy having companionship their age. One of our team members gave the the older teen her summer clothes. Clothes here are very expensive. We can buy more clothes, not a problem.

Bucherest is a very large city. Getting more Western all the time. Lots of small cars. I rarely have seen a truck and no 18 wheelers. The license plates denotes where you live. Most European states have their flag on the plate. I will post a picture later. Romanian= RO

We leave at 3:30 am from the house and 6 am from the airport. We have just 4 hours left here at the home. It is now 11:30pm. I doubt anyone will get sleep. We are pretty exhausted and want to take in all we can.

Will write more later when I arrive home. 5pm Monday evening. Long flight tomorrow...
Will get to see more of the Amsterdam airport. I want to find the delious pastrys I have heard so much about.

Going on a mission trip has been worth every penny~~


ps. We had our first church service, at the International Church. very nice~!!!
People praise God everywhere, just change the language~!!!!

I asked the kids what they wanted to say tonight. Here are some of the kids answers:
(not all was in the kitchen when we were typying on the computor)
Vali= I love america
Andreea= God Bless America, and she loves us and you! The team was very good, and I love chemicals (she calls koolaid chemicals)
Miha= Tina M. is crazy and funny (tina is a team member) the team was great
Catalin= I love Kool-aid
Marius= He loves the Americans

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You should be leaving the house right now. What a wonderful adventure! I can't wait to hear more.
