Time has it that our children will grow older. We have a birthday girl today, my only daughter, Becky has we like to call her. She is 20 today. Can you beleive it? I now have two children in the 20 age range.
A whole different time of life. Decisions to be made with Godly wisdom.
Long ago.... when I was pregnant, the World Series was playing as it is tonight as I type. I guess the WS is always in October huh? We went for walk, saw some of the WS that evening at some ones else's house and returned home from our walk of contractions, to find my midwives looking for us. We had our second child at home as with the first, third, fourth, and fifth. I promise we won't pull any more out of the magical hat!!

Well, that little girl has grown up in the midst of four brothers. Stories that will be told when they are older. She has a job, graduated from school, passed her drivers test, paying for nice new Saturn, and now going to college. Yes, she lives at home, keeps a messy room and IS A TREMENDOUS HELP when she is at home. I treasure the moments when ALL the children are home and making lots of noise. It is always a reminder that ONE day they will fly the nest and only come to visit me. (HI MOM)
Liz G.
ps. my three year old just told me he took the picture with my camera. He really did!
1 comment:
from mom and meme
to Becky
Happy birthdy a day late, but I was
thinking about you,I am very proud
of you as I am of all my grand-children.
stay as sweet and unspoiled as you are now.
love mom and meme
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